Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Secret Place with the Most High

I’m currently in the midst of reading a condensed book of works written by, Andrew Murray.  Neither the book’s comparative old age nor the death of Murray in the early 1900s makes me doubt that the Holy Spirit wrote through him.

Last night I was reading about prayer and worship.  Scripture says that true worship is by spirit and truth.  Scripture also says that after Christ died for us, we no longer needed to go to a temple to be in the presence of God, our Father, which means we don’t have to go to a physical building to worship God today.

Instead, as Jesus told us, we only have to go to a secret place to pray to God which, I believe, is the same as worshipping Him.  Everybody’s secret place, whether it be in the quiet of one’s own mind, in a closet, or in a spare bedroom, is unique to each individual, but every secret space allows its occupant to be alone and prevents the person from being bothered while praying.

Even if your secret place is your bathtub, it is still the place where you will face God.  You won’t actually see Him standing before you, but you will encounter His presence wherever it is you choose to worship Him.

Last night was not the first time I encountered this material about secret places – I had read about this in scripture before.  But last night was the first time I reread it in a long while and I am amazed by how much more insight, how much more meaning I got out of the same words I’d read on many previous occasions.

I went to my personal secret place this morning, the place that only God and I know about.  And my attitude about today, this very day, changed during my time with Christ.  I normally talk to God throughout any given day, but I have never started a day in my secret place before…I’ve just never been a morning person, you see.

Well, as I said, I put God first today and talked with Him for about 45 minutes at the very beginning of my morning.  And all I can tell you is that my morning, my day, my attitude…everything is just plain different, just plain brighter as a result.  I know and am grateful that I have been blessed today simply because I put God first this morning by visiting with Him in our shared secret place.

Why don’t you go to your secret place when you get out of bed tomorrow morning?  I can tell you from my own wondrous personal experience with God, you will not regret it.

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